Fly Fishing in the Uinta Mountains, Utah

My American Made Fly Fishing Gear

Fishing with the best equipment period.

By Matt Mullins 

Updated: December 19, 2023

The best fly fishing equipment in the world is proudly made in the USA. I’d like my example to inspire others to enjoy our great outdoors fly fishing with excellent locally made gear. Below I’ve listed my favorite American made fly fishing gear that I personally use, with links to reliable retailers where you can find them. Keep in mind that I tend to fish my local Rocky Mountain rivers, creeks, and backcountry lakes so my gear preferences and recommendations reflect that.


Sage SLT Fly Rod and Ross Evolution Reel both made in the USA
My ol' Sage SLT 4wt 4pc rod and Ross Evolution Reel at home on a Utah creek.

My Gear List:

Fly Fishing Gear

Backpacking and Fishing

Fly Fishing Photos

Fly fishing is one my favorite sports. Below are a few of the photos I’ve captured while fly fishing.