Case Blue Copperlock Knife

American Made Knives & Tools

If you are asking yourself what knives and tools are made in the USA then you’ve come to the right place. Here I’ve researched and compiled a directory to all of the American made knife and tool manufacturers I could find. If you know of more then please let me know! The knife pictured above is my personal Blue Bone Case Copperlock Knife, an affordable favorite of mine.

American Knife Co.

Backwoods Custom Knives

  • – Custom knives. This is the blacksmith’s blog site. The knives are available in multiple online stores, simply google Blackwood Custom Knives.

Bark River

Bear & Son


  • – Nearly all of their knives are made in the USA. I highly recommend their 940 Osbourne, Griptilian 551, Anthem 781, & Bugout 535.

Bradford Knives

Brous Blades


  • – Many of their knives are made in the USA. I’ve owned a few Bucks including the famous 110 passed down to me from my Dad.  I recommend them but with a caveat…  I have seen QC flaws in some of their knives.  That being said, their lifetime warranty is second to none and they promptly corrected the issues I had.

Busse Combat Knife Company

Calvin Richardson Knives


  • – Classic knives.  My Case Copperlock is one of my favorite knives despite being one of my least expensive.

Chris Reeve Knives

  • – Knives.  Maker of the famous Sebenza, a benchmark in folding knives.

Council Tool

  • – Tools including axes, shovels, hoes, picks, and much more.  I used and abused their tools such as pulaskis and axes hard while firefighting. I definitely recommend their tools.

Dawson Knives




ESEE Knives (Randall’s Adventure & Training)


Fiddleback Forge

Fletcher Knives


  • – Some of their knives are American made.  The Multi-Plier 600 and eFECT Military Weapons Maintenance Tool are their only multi-tools still made in the USA.

Great Eastern Cutlery

Hinderer Knives

Hoffman Blacksmithing


  • – Knives, tomahawks and more. Hogue also manufactures Sig Sauer and Heckler and Koch knives.

Ka-Bar (includes Becker Knife and Tool)

  •– Many Ka-Bar knives are US made including their famous fighting knife.   All of their BKT knives are made in the USA.



  • – Some of their knife sharpeners are American made such as their precision sharpening kits, tribench stone, and mini dog bone pocket sharpeners.  I own and can recommend their Arkansas stone and their spyder dog bone sharpener.


  • – Multitools. I own a few Leathermans and find them to be the best multi-tools made.

LT Wright Knives

Northwoods Knives

  • Though a prolific company, they don’t have a main website so simply google them. – Traditional knives.


Ontario Knife Company

  • Blue Ridge Knives acquired Ontario Knife Company on August 1, 2023.

Randall Made Knives

SK Hand Tool

Spartan Blades


  • – Some of their knives are still made in the USA including the Native, Manix, Military, and a few other models.

T.M. Hunt Custom Knives

  • No personal website but you can find his knives at  – Custom knives.

Tops Knives

Vaughan Mfg.

W.A. Surls Knives

  • No central website exists for this blacksmith who handcrafts knives, but you can google him.

White River Knives

Woodsman’s Pal

Wright Tool

  • – American-made tools including wrenches, socket sets, torque drivers, and more.

Zero Tolerance

Zootility Tools

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